Friday, August 10, 2007

8 August 2007 Bonneville to Youngs Vineyard

Up early and straight to the Bonneville Speedway. The access road ends in a lake of salty rainwater from where cars drive to the actual speedway. I don’t want to go there with my gorgeous new bike as I know how much damage salt water does to a car or bike. I do get a chance to talk to one of the ladies from the organization that does the races.

After that I start heading for Reno, a 600 km trip from Wendover. When I arrive there, after a long drive through the desert, there is a big hot rod thing going on and I have seen some very very nice hot rods there! As it is still early, I decide to go towards Lake Tahoe to spend the night there but arriving there it is clear that finding a bed won’t be easy. There are a LOT of tourists here due to the summer holidays.

So I decide to ride a bit further and further and further and then I finally do end up in Plymouth at Young’s Vineyard (Shenandoah Road) about 1 hour before dinner at the Rock starts.

About 1 min. after my arrival one of my colleagues from Heerema also arrives and it is nice catching up with him as well. And shortly after him Todd arrives as well and him being a fellow biker and friend as well that makes for another great reunion.

But it is especially nice to see Annette and Steven and their kids, Steven’s dad and Jaye and Mondaine again !! Annette has no problem switching back to Dutch (OK she just got back from Holland 3 weeks ago !). I haven’t seen or spoken to them for 2 years and a lot of things have happened since. It is pretty late when I finally turn in for the night, staying in the guest room that overlooks the vineyard. What a gorgeous sight !!

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