Sunday, August 5, 2007

5 August 2007 Goodbyes

A glorious morning and the best sunrise Gav says he has ever seen/filmed (for him that is more or less the same as the camera is glued to his eye ;). We do another interview of the last days as well as the goodbye interview. Then Gav sets of to arrange the helicopter for the arial shots. For us it was easy, just riding along a long straight road while the chopper pilot flew Gav all over the place.

I of course did a little bolter, screaming away from the group at 120 mph and was surprised Craig didn’t follow. Later I understood why as he pushed his bike into the gas station ;) He was running on vapour ;).
Then we came to the tearful goodbyes (don’t worry it is all captured on film) and I set of towards Yellowstone. Man is it hot and with soo many bikes going through Sturgis it took me over half an hour to get out of the bloody town !!

Once on the freeway, I let rip, doing 85 to 90 mph (around 140 kmh) and that got me some 600 kms through Wyoming and Montana. Again the staggering vastness of the US becomes abundantly clear to me. Rolling prairie as far as the eye can see. Beautiful colours of vegetation (green/yellow and browns) and various colours of soil. It is soo beautiful to see and I enjoy every meter of this trip. When I get to Columbus Montana (it is 5.30) it starts to rain and when I walk into the motel, the heavens open up and I am dry !!

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