Monday, July 30, 2007

28 July 2007 The Ozarks

Leaving Kennet (the birthplace of Sheryl Crowe) was time consuming as usual but once on our way we made good time. Craig found an Eski/cooler yesterday and after filling it with ice we were ensured of cold drinks all day !! I also filled my “camelback” with ice and that gave me cold water all morning.

We continued our way along the 412 West towards the Ozarks. We agreed that we would turn off the 412 as soon as we saw the 63. When we did, Craig insisted on continuing along the 412 until we went onto the 63 North. Initially we convinced him to stick to the agreement but then things went pearshaped. Almost immediately after I found the perfect Ninja magnet (a beautiful sweeping righthander that was begging for a high speed lean to the right) he decided to return to prove his point. Again plenty of confusion of course and we ended up travelling in two groups for a bit.

After our stop (filmcrew, Macca and myself) in Imboden (Immodium ?;) at the Confederate Trade Post where we stocked up on some confederate flag items and did some filming we set off again. Not too much later, Craig and Lards caught up with us and we kept moving North.

After a very expensive lunch at the State Line restaurant (border of Arkansas and Missouri) we went into the Ozarks. Alas it started pouring with rain so no nice shots or high speed curves. When I caught up with Macca (who went ahead because he still sticks to the speed limits ;), the boys were hooning on the humpback road ;), the weather cleared up.

Then the riding really began and the full beauty of the Ozark road 19 came out. The Ninja was finally in its perfect environment, long sweeping road, dry, good viz and ready to go. I just had a blast letting her slide through the curves using countersteering. I took it fairly easy and that made it soooooooo nice.

Lards and Craig were following me and they scraped the pegs like nobody’s business while the Ninja pegs stayed miles from the surface. Just sweeping her around the curves was biker heaven.

We ended our trip in Steelville doing some more filming, amongst others in the West End Tavern. There we were told that Hillary (Clinton) is going to be the new President and we confirmed that there are really kangaroos in Australia. No they are not there for the movies only. And yes Australia has deserts and camels as well. Very big deserts actually, how amazing ;).

We then went to the rafting co. campground just outside town and are heading for Kansas City (we ain’t in Kansas yet Toto). We are going to use our tried and tested way of finding the route, just turn when anyone feels like it. It has gotten us this far so it will serve us well for the rest of the trip I reckon ;)

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